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The direct measurement of the Lankford coefficient of sheet metal based on the mirror-assisted multi-view digital image correlation
投稿时间:2023-08-23  修订日期:2023-10-08
中文关键词:  Lankford系数  多视角数字图像相关方法  厚度应变  平面镜
英文关键词:Lankford coefficient  multi-view digital image correlation  thickness strain  planar mirrors
朱开宇 北京航空航天大学 航空科学与工程学院 强度与结构完整性全国重点实验室 北京 100191 
陈斌 北京航空航天大学 航空科学与工程学院 强度与结构完整性全国重点实验室 北京 100191 
孙子杰 北京卫星制造厂有限公司 北京 100863 
潘兵* 北京航空航天大学 航空科学与工程学院 强度与结构完整性全国重点实验室 北京 100191 
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全文下载次数: 825
      The Lankford coefficient is a key parameter for evaluating the formability of sheet metal. Accurate determination of the Lankford coefficient is of significance to the application of classical yield criteria for anisotropic materials. This paper proposes a novel method for measuring the Lankford coefficient of sheet metal based on the mirror-assisted multi-view digital image correlation (mirror-assisted MV-DIC) technique. With the assistance of dual planar mirrors, the surface profile and deformation field of both the front and rear surfaces of the specimen can be simultaneously measured by a single set of three-dimensional digital image correlation (3D-DIC) system based on binocular stereovision. Then, by applying reflection transformation, the full-field thickness and thickness strain of the sheet metal can be directly measured, enabling the direct measurement of the Lankford coefficient without relying on the volume conservation assumption used in existing measurement methods. A series of uniaxial tensile experiments were respectively conducted on 45 steel and DP780 dual-phase steel sheet specimens to compare the measurement accuracy of the proposed direct measurement method with existing indirect measurement methods. The results showed that the deviations of the proposed method and the volume conservation-based Lankford coefficient measurement method were 2.62% and 0.41% for the necking region, respectively, and 7.07% and 1.21% for the non-necking region, respectively. The proposed method provides a low-cost and convenient technique for measuring the dual-surface deformation fields and the thickness of sheet specimens, which has practical prospects for accurately characterizing the Lankford coefficient, hardening exponent, Young's modulus, and other constitutive parameters of metal materials.
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