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Study on identification of microcracks in concrete by digital image correlation
投稿时间:2024-05-19  修订日期:2024-06-19
中文关键词:  数字图像相关  微裂纹识别  混凝土  应变场演化
英文关键词:Digital image correlation  Identification of microcracks  Concrete  Evolution of strain field
李源康 海南大学土木建筑工程学院 570100
黄锋 海南大学土木建筑工程学院 570100
符师桦* 海南大学土木建筑工程学院 570100
摘要点击次数: 404
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      及时识别微裂纹对混凝土结构的安全控制十分重要。本研究对玄武岩纤维混凝土试件进行了四点弯曲实验,并结合数字图像相关方法获得了加载过程中试件表面的应变场信息。在水平应变场中,选择应变较大的300个点作为兴趣点(Points of interest,POI),基于POI在应变场中坐标的标准差计算聚集因子,并利用聚集因子的在加载过程中的分布演化提出了仅与单一应变场相关的识别微裂纹方法。这种方法可以排除人为判断微裂纹产生的误差,但不足以识别多个微裂纹。该方法的准确率超过95%,适合工程应用。
      Identification of microcracks in time is important for the safety control of concrete structures. In this study, four-point bending experiments were conducted on basalt fiber concrete specimens. The strain fields information on the specimen surface were acquired by digital image correlation technique during the loading process. In the horizontal strain field, 300 points with large strains were selected as points of interest (POI), the aggregation factor was calculated based on the standard deviation of the coordinates of the POI in the strain field, and a method for identifying microcracks associated with a single strain field only was proposed by using the distribution evolution of the aggregation factor during the loading process. This method can exclude the error generated by human judgment of microcracks, but it is not sufficient to identify multiple microcracks. The accuracy of the method exceeds 95% and is suitable for engineering applications.

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