李春光*,陈赛,韩艳,李赫佳.π型组合桥面斜拉桥涡振性能及气动优化措施研究[J].实验力学,2023,38(4):473~482 |
π型组合桥面斜拉桥涡振性能及气动优化措施研究 |
Study on vortex-induced vibration performance and optimization measures of cable-stayed bridge with π-type composite deck |
投稿时间:2022-09-13 修订日期:2023-01-10 |
DOI:10.7520/1001-4888-22-226 |
中文关键词: π型组合桥面 斜拉桥 涡激振动 优化措施 风洞试验 |
英文关键词:π-type composite deck cable-stayed bridge vortex-induced vibration(VIV) optimization measures wind tunnel test |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51978087,51822803);湖南省自然科学基金项目(2020JJ14607); 长沙理工大学桥梁工程安全控制教育部重点实验室开放基金项目(18ZDXK09) ;长沙理工大学“实践创新与创业能力提升计划”项目(SJCX202124); 长沙理工大学研究生科研创新项目(CX2021SS22) |
摘要点击次数: 2240 |
全文下载次数: 74 |
中文摘要: |
π型组合桥面主梁断面是目前斜拉桥常用的断面形式之一,然而π型开口断面为典型钝体气动外形,易发生气流分离与交替性的旋涡脱落,引发涡激振动问题,因此需要对其断面形式进行优化,以达到减振、抑振的效果。本文通过某主梁宽高比为7.9的π型组合桥面斜拉桥节段模型风洞试验,研究了栏杆形式的改变、稳定板、倒L型裙板等措施对主梁涡振性能的影响。研究结果表明,部分封闭检修道栏杆及斜拉索防护栏杆可不同程度降低竖向涡振幅值,但改变斜拉索防护栏杆的构造形式会增大主梁竖向涡振幅值;增加梁底稳定板长度或道数,减振效果更明显;倒L型裙板能降低主梁竖向涡振幅值,但对扭转涡振的减振效果不佳;倒L型裙板与稳定板的组合措施可进一步降低主梁竖向涡振幅值,但不能有效减小扭转涡振幅值;倒L型裙板与封闭斜拉索防护栏杆上缘的组合措施能有效抑制主梁涡振。研究成果可为类似主梁断面的涡振减振设计提供参考。 |
英文摘要: |
The girder section of π-type composite deck is one of the commonly used section forms of cable-stayed bridges. However, the π-type open section is a typical bluff body aerodynamic shape, which is prone to airflow separation and alternating vortex shedding, causing vortex-induced vibration(VIV) problems. It is necessary to optimize its section form to achieve the effect of vibration reduction and vibration suppression. A π-type composite deck cable-stayed bridge with aspect ratio of 7.9 was prepared for sectional model wind tunnel test in this paper, the effects of the change of railing form, stabilizer plate and inverted L-shaped skirt plate on the VIV performance of the girder were studied.The research results show thatpartially closed maintenance way railings and stay cable protective railings can reduce the VIV amplitude at varying degrees, but changing the structure of stay cable protective railings will increase the vertical VIV amplitude of the girder. Increasing the length or number of stabilizer plate, the vibration suppression effect is more obvious ; the inverted L-shaped skirt plate can reduce the vertical VIV amplitude, but the damping effect of torsional VIV is not good. The combined measures of inverted L-shaped skirt plate and stabilizer plate can further reduce the vertical VIV amplitude, but cannot effectively reduce the torsional VIV amplitude. The combined measures of inverted L-shaped skirt plate and partially closed stay cable protective railing can effectively suppress theVIV of the girder. The research results can provide reference for the VIV reduction design of similar girder sections. |
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