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Experimental Study on Energy Collector Array for Wind Induced Vibration of Cantilever Beams Based on Flexoelectric Effect
投稿时间:2023-07-25  修订日期:2023-10-26
中文关键词:  挠曲电效应  驰振  钝体悬臂梁能量收集器  流固耦合  风洞
英文关键词:Flexoelectricity, Galloping, Cantilever Beam, Energy Collector, Wind Tunnel
骆英* 江苏大学 212000
廖兴川 江苏大学 212000
摘要点击次数: 1661
全文下载次数: 0
      In response to the demand for stable power supply for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), a novel energy collector was developed by combining the advantages of piezoelectric effects in a cantilever beam-based system with the scale effect of flexoelectric materials, which exhibit significant strain gradients at microscales. This combination allows for downsizing and arraying the energy collector effectively. This energy collector utilizes cantilever beams with elastic support for blunted bodies, considering the flexoelectric effect. Multiple energy collectorss are arranged in an array to collectively enhance the overall power output. Wind tunnel experiments were conducted to investigate the impact of the relative positioning of these devices within a cross-flow wind field. The normalized power output of each energy collector within the array was analyzed. It was observed that staggered positioning is feasible for multi-device arrays, especially evident in the case of dual-body experiments. The power output of downstream energy collectors was notably enhanced. In practical applications, it is advisable to avoid a serial arrangement to prevent the occurrence of small transverse spacing. Doing so could hinder the formation of shear flows around downstream bodies, suppressed by the wake of upstream bodies, ultimately weakening the vibrations of the downstream bodies. Similarly, excessively small longitudinal spacing should be avoided to prevent the inhibition of the vortex shedding of upstream bodies by the shear flows created by the downstream bodies, leading to a reduction in the vibrations of upstream bodies. Proper selection of longitudinal and transverse spacings within the array can amplify the vibrations of multiple bodies in the array, thereby improving the overall power conversion efficiency of the energy collector array.

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