Experimental Study of T300/AG80 Composite Tensile Performances at High Temperature
Received:September 09, 2009  Revised:February 01, 2010
中文关键词:  T300/AG80复合材料  高温力学性能  保留率  非接触应变测量
英文关键词:T300/AG80 composite material  tensile performance under high temperature  retention rate
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Zhong-ying College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronic Technique,Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China 
LONG Lian-chun* College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronic Technique,Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China 
LU Zhi-feng Beijing Astronavigation Systems Engineering Research Institute, Beijing 100076, China 
YANG Zhi-guang Beijing Astronavigation Systems Engineering Research Institute, Beijing 100076, China 
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      Using QBT high-low temperature measurement and control system to control temperature, the longitudinal and latitudinal tensile property of T300/AG80 composite material at high temperature was experimentally investigated on CSS electronic universal testing apparatus, where the longitudinal test specimens were measured from room temperature to 375℃ and the latitudinal test specimens were measured from room temperature to 325℃. Specimen deformations under different loads and at various temperatures were ascertained based on non-contact method, namely remote camera and image recognition. Deformation of longitudinal and latitudinal test specimens were calculated, based on the deformation and loads, elastic modulus was obtained. Retention rate of mechanical properties was calculated at various temperatures and the influence of temperature on material properties was analyzed, then the properties of material at high temperature were evaluated.
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