Study on bending performance of corroded channel steel beams
Received:April 10, 2018  Revised:September 01, 2018
中文关键词:  锈蚀  槽钢梁  受弯试验  承载力计算
英文关键词:corrosion  channel steel beam  bending test  calculation of bearing capacity
Author NameAffiliation
XU Shan-hua* Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Civil Engineering, Xi'an 710055, Shanxi, China 
ZHANG Hai-jiang Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Civil Engineering, Xi'an 710055, Shanxi, China 
BAI Ye Dongling Real Estate Agency, Baoji 721000, Shanxi, China 
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      The effects of corrosion on bending performance of channel steel beams were studied through the bending test of 7 corroded channel steel members. The experimental results show that the bearing capacity of corroded channel steel beam has a good linear relationship with the residual flange thickness, and the residual flange thickness can be used to characterize the degree of corrosion. The load-deflection curves and moment-curvature curves can be roughly divided into two stages: elastic stage and elastic-plastic stage. The curves of some specimens have small slopes at the beginning of loading. According to the experimental study, the formula of bearing capacity based on residual flange thickness and corrosion ratio is proposed. The formula has enough reliability.
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